Junior Centers of Excellence for cybersecurity


  • Jiří Sedláček Network Security Monitoring Cluster, Brno
  • Tomáš Pitner National Centre of Competence in Cybersecurity, Masaryk University, Brno


In this article, we focus on the role of Junior Centers of Excellence (JCE) for cybersecurity, that are established as representatives of the highest level of cybersecurity education at secondary schools, as examples of good practice, as well as educational centers for other schools in the region. We see cooperation with universities, companies and public administration institutions as a necessary condition for the operation of the centers. We will describe the way to build JCE, how the Centre's equipment should look like, what education its teachers need and what it brings, in addition to expanding educational programs, also for safe school operation in terms of information security, cybersecurity and personal data protection.



How to Cite

Sedláček, J., & Pitner, T. (2020). Junior Centers of Excellence for cybersecurity. MATHEMATICS–PHYSICS–INFORMATICS, 29(3), 230–238. Retrieved from


