Testing of scientific thinking


  • Eva Hejnová Faculty of Science, J. E. Purkyně University, Ústí nad Labem


The paper describes the selected results of a study carried out in 2017. The total of 165 pupils aged 14–15 from one fourth grade of an eight-year secondary grammar school and from eight classes of the ninth grade from lower secondary schools took part in our study. All schools were located in Ústí nad Labem region. The level of scientific thinking of pupils was tested by the Lawson’s Classroom Test. This test assesses pupils’ reasoning abilities in six skill dimensions that are not independent but create a hierarchy, which means that successful solution of tasks from a higher dimension supposes the mastering of tasks from the lower dimensions. In the paper we present results of our research that showed the low level of scientific thinking skills in the tested group of pupils, and we suggest possible ways of the correction of our findings.



How to Cite

Hejnová, E. (2018). Testing of scientific thinking. MATHEMATICS–PHYSICS–INFORMATICS, 27(5), 350–359. Retrieved from


