Experimental solution of the Buquoy's problem


  • Čeněk Kodejška Faculty of Science, Palacký University, Olomouc
  • Jan Říha Faculty of Science, Palacký University, Olomouc


This work is focused on the experimental solution of the Buquoy's problem. This is a system with a varying mass on which a constant tensile force is exerted. Our goal was to construct a functional Buquoy’s oscillator with such parameters which allow the demonstration of oscillations in a standard classroom. On the basis of the calculations, we gradually determined the linear density of the fiber, selected a suitable fiber material, determined the force acting on the balloon filled with helium and made a video analysis of the fiber motion by the Tracker program. Finally, we tried to fit experimentally measured data in the Wolfram Mathematica program.



How to Cite

Kodejška, Čeněk, & Říha, J. (2017). Experimental solution of the Buquoy’s problem. MATHEMATICS–PHYSICS–INFORMATICS, 26(5), 380–384. Retrieved from




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