Development of selected skills in the Research Natural Scientific Laboratory SteelPark Košice


  • Mária Bilišňanská Faculty of Science, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University, Košice
  • Marián Kireš Faculty of Science, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University, Košice


This paper deals with the Research Natural Scientific Laboratory established in 2014 within the SteelPARK Košice exposition. The authors describe educational activities that are focused on development of research skills of primary and secondary school students. Students’ pre-concepts are studied using concept tests in the introduction of every activity. At the end, by way of formative evaluation tools (Wenning, 2007), students summarize and evaluate what they have learned during the activity. Selected outcomes of didactic research, as well as findings from informal education presented in this paper, contain some recommendations for teacher school practice.



How to Cite

Bilišňanská, M., & Kireš, M. (2017). Development of selected skills in the Research Natural Scientific Laboratory SteelPark Košice. MATHEMATICS–PHYSICS–INFORMATICS, 26(5), 368–379. Retrieved from




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