Three unusual oscillators – constructivist approach to teaching physics


  • Čeněk Kodejška Grammar school, Nový Bydžov
  • Giorgio De Nunzio Università del Salento


This paper concerns the research on various concepts in learning theory, such as behaviourism, cognitivism, constructivism and connectivism. In particular, we focused on the constructivist approach to three physical experiments with unusual oscillators. The study builds on our previous works, the results of which were published in [1], [2].

Another, long-term, purpose of our work is to compare the experimental results achieved by Czech and Italian students. While the verification of experiments and hypotheses has already been done in the Czech Republic, at the Italian University of Salento the experimental procedure is in preparation.

The following problems were presented to the students: test-tube oscillations in a liquid of density ρ, vibration of a ring of radius R suspended on a horizontal rod, and oscillations of a liquid column in a U-tube.

The above-described experiments can be used as a subject for theoretical and experimental work in physics seminars in high school or as a laboratory practicum in the first or second year of college.



How to Cite

Kodejška, Čeněk, & De Nunzio, G. (2016). Three unusual oscillators – constructivist approach to teaching physics. MATHEMATICS–PHYSICS–INFORMATICS, 25(1), 49–58. Retrieved from




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