Languages and representations in the mathematics teaching


  • František Kuřina Faculty of Science, University of Hradec Králové


Kvasz's book Patterns of Change – Linguistic Innovation in the Development of Classical Mathematics is a contribution to the history and philosophy of mathematics. My paper deals with some didactical problems connected with Kvasz's conception. I compare Kvasz´s approaches with conceptions of J. Bruner and K. R. Popper.

Both iconic and symbolic languages are very important as an integral part of mathematics and mathematics education. I demonstrate how different languages influence methods of problem solving and understanding mathematics.

Kvasz shows the importance of the history of art and philosophy in the development of mathematics. I emphasize these aspects in mathematics education. Geometry should be regarded as a body of knowledge that has its origin in the study of physical space and physical objects, but it also concerns abstractions derived from this study.



How to Cite

Kuřina, F. (2013). Languages and representations in the mathematics teaching. MATHEMATICS–PHYSICS–INFORMATICS, 22(1), 2–16. Retrieved from


